Sunday, August 5, 2012

oh yeah...

Cash rolled over a couple of times yesterday on his own!!!  I propped him on his elbows just right to entice it, but it got the ball rolling.  It got him doing it every time I put him that way.  And every time it happened, he looked up at me with this HUGE, sweet smile on his little face.  PaPaw even got to see it.  He's only going from tummy to back at this point.  Considering how much he hates tummy time I can't imagine him going from back to tummy for quite a while.

He is also LOVING to stand on his little legs and dance around.  He can't quite fit in his little jumperoo yet, as he is too short.  His feet don't quite reach the ground even with it on the lowest setting.  :(  (poor guy) But soon!!!

He's making the sweetest coos and giggles a LOT more.

Additionally, he has FINALLY transitioned into size 2 diapers and 6 month footie jammies.  All his other clothes are 3 month, but he was just getting too long for the jammies.

He's starting to cut some teeth...we can see that his lower gums are getting whiter so, teeth are starting to come in!! :)

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