Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Newest Love

We got a new pet!  A mini potbelly pig to be exact.  Her name is Penelope, she's 10 weeks old and she is just the most sweetest, lovable little thing in the whole wide world!  She LOVES to snuggle, nibble, grunt and just be with people.  She is still a little scared of the dogs.  Especially Jill, who doesn't quite know how to play nice - she's just too much of a puppy still.  Penelope is SO smart.  She stays in our little bar nook for now - behind a baby gate, so the dogs don't get her - and when we take her out and play with her she plays, snuggles, explores - just does her thing until she goes back, which is when she does her pottying.  (We have a potty pad in there for her to use until she's big enough to sustain the backyard on her own.)  She loves her "mini pig feed" and eats fruits and Cheerios for treats.  Currently she is about 3 pounds and she will get to be about 20 pounds at full grown size.  Her life span is about 15-20 years.  We look forward to many happy years with her!  

Ellie loving on Penelope - just look at that sweet face!!

Penelope is exploring her new home.

Here she has burrowed up under her blanket - all by herself!

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