Saturday, March 6, 2010

Our Day at the Park

A couple of weeks ago, I baby-sat Kaila. We went to the park and the mall to the Build-A-Bear workshop.
This was Kaila's favorite. It was the beginning of the day and went back to multiple times.

The first time she made it all the way up! The second time she got to the top and freaked out!

This was the funniest thing. She was digging and digging and digging with dirt/mulch flying EVERYWHERE! I asked her what she was looking for.
K: "my squirrel, Adada, help me, look for Abu"
C: "Who's Abu?"
K: "a monkey".
At this point I realize that "Adada" is most likely supposed to be "Prince Ali ABABUA" from is her latest obsession. Now where she came up with him being a squirrel is beyond me. Unless she's confusing a squirrel with a "street rat" (as he is commonly called in the movie)

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