Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's day has had a new meaning for the Crawford family for 3 years now. It was the day of the birth of our neice, Kaila. So needless to say, we haven't REALLY been celebrating Valentine's day. It's been Kaila's birthday. We have to do our celebrating a day or 2 before.

At Kaila's birthday party, the big hits were the "Barbie" jeep from Pop Bill ( I put Barbie in quotes because that's the type of jeep it is, but Amy doesn't do Barbie. So really it's a pink jeep with flower stickers on it) and "Sir Topham Hat" (or as Kaila calls him "Sir Top and Hat") for her Thomas the train set. She got the train set for Christmas and has since insisted that she couldn't play with it because Thomas didn't have any friends. So NOW, she has no excuse as she has about 5 of his friends now.

The cake was Kaila's choice. Oma was going through a cake magazine with her to get idea's for her cake as she wanted a "princess party" and she stumbled across this castle that she just HAD to have. Leslie (Oma, my mother-in-law) made it! Isn't it incredible?

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