He's still tiny - 27 inches ( < 5th percentile) and 20.5 lbs (10-25th percentile).
What he's doing:
- sleeping through the night
- will go to sleep on his own - let us put him in his crib at 7:30 and just go to sleep on his own
- loves to splash about in the bathtub (sometimes just to play and other times actually to take a bath lol)
- still only has the 2 bottom teeth with no sign of any others
- can stand on his own, but once he realizes it, he sits down - "like whoa - not ready for that"
- LOVES to rough house, especially with Jill
- pushes all of his push toys EVERYWHERE around the house (can manuever them out of spots they get stuck in), cruises the furniture without them
- vocab: i love you, mama, dada, water (wa-wa), more (moh), done, blueberry, puppy (pup-pup), paci (nene) , bottle (baba), thank you, kitty, yeah, mumum (one of his favorite snacks), dededede is his nonsense word for whatever he wants to know
- waves "hi" and "bye"
- can now sign "i love you" - but only does it occasionally
- Daddy is definitely the favorite
I can't think of anything else to add right now, but will update more as I think of them...