Friday, January 25, 2013

Hobby: Scrappin'

I've decided that I want to start scrap booking in order to keep fun memories of Cash as he grows up.  I've subscribed to a company called Studio Calico to get monthly kits so that I can build my stash of embellishments/papers and all the other fun stuff that comes along with the hobby.  I add on additional stuff some months and of course supplement by going to Hobby Lobby.  I've discovered many other scrapping sites in the meantime and have built up quite the addiction.  I've done all of ONE layout so far, but I did make all of my "thank you" cards for our Christmas gifts this year.  Danielle keeps asking me why I haven't made any layouts and I've finally figured out why - I'm scared of how to make them "boy-ish".  :/  So, I've logged in to all the scrappy sites to get some inspiration, found a layout I love and started picking through my supplies to get one going.  Of course the one I found that I wanted to "lift", I have NOTHING that can mimic it, so I've ordered some stuff.  I'm waiting on it to come in.  In the meantime I've gotten the basics of it started and laid out everything else I DO have.

Here are some photos of the cards I made:

I will try to update some posts with photos of the layouts I do as I get some done.  

10 Months.

Cash is 10 months!  Already.  I can't believe how fast time has been flying.  At 10 months, Cash:

  • can finally feed himself puffs.
  • walks behind his Melissa & Doug "walker".
  • still only has 2 teeth, which I think is adorable.
  • has mastered eating table food with only 2 teeth.
  • sleeps erratically because of the ear issues he has; the left ear continued draining after the tubes were put in 12/26 so he was put in a study at his doctor's office, which has somewhat cleared it up finally, but we are still midway through the study so haven't seen a complete turnaround yet.  Hopefully the end is near and some resolve will come to all of us - especially sweet Cash, because he just doesn't understand.  (and he used to sleep sooo good.  :/)
  • loves sleeping on the couch when he wakes up in the middle of the night for a bottle, in fact, prefers to sleep here.  Pitches a fit if we put him back in the crib.  So, whoever gets up with him ends up spending the rest of the night on the couch.  yay
  • LOVES all the ride-on toys he got for Christmas.  
  • still gives the sweetest, wettest, sloppiest kisses and I live for these.  <3 li="" nbsp="">
  • loves to cuddle

*I have a couple videos to post here, but I can't get them to upload, so I'll have to add them later.  :(

He LOVES to eat..

I've been a slacker and I'm sorry!  I was finally able to get some video of Cash eating - something he LOVES to do.  And he's not too picky about it either.  There's not much he won't eat.  He's not a fan of plain bread, avocado (but loves guacamole), pineapple (will suck the juice out of the pieces and leave the remaining "skin"), or white potatoes.  Some favorites are: chicken, black beans, steak,  and garlic butter bread.  The kid loves anything though.  I can't even describe how excited he gets when it's time to eat.  We say he's doing his "Gangnam Style" dance.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Cash is Crawling!

As of yesterday, Cash is crawling!!!  We have been semi-baby-proofed for a couple weeks now.  I guess this means we need to get fully baby-proofed!  Let the fun begin!  :)

He has been chasing Jill around trying to get after her bone.  Once he gets it, he just waves it around in the air, the same way he does with toys - as if to show them off.  He enjoys crawling on top of her and rolling off.  He thinks this is just hilarious.  And Jill could care less.  Oh, Jill is the ham in the camera.   :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Nine Months

Wow.  I can't belive my little man is already 9 months.  He's growing up so fast!!!

At nine months, Cash:

  • has his 2 bottom teeth only.  But eats everything under the sun - and lots of it.  We do a mix of baby food and table food.
  • will not feed himself - will only push puffs around on the tray of his high chair or bat them out of the container.  If you hand him one to feed himself, he just fingers it and looks at it like "what's that for?"  Same with table food.  
  • drinks from a sippy cup on his own.  
  • scoots, but doesn't crawl.  Will army crawl if he falls over on his belly.  Gets on all fours, and tries to crawl by doing the rocking thing, but one leg gets stuck behind the other and he gets confused on what to do with it.  If we try and show him, he gets more confused and sits back down.  
  • tries to pull up on the coffee table.  **Last night we found him screaming in his crib, standing up, and holding on to the corner pillar having knocked off the monitor.  Needless to say, we lowered it tonight before bed and will be wall-mounting the monitor this weekend.  
  • he LOVES his puppies and kitty and can't get enough of them licking him.
  • says "mama" sometimes, "dada" all the time, "hi" regularly, "i love you" back, "more" randomly, & "water" occasionally.
  • shakes his head "no", but I'm starting to think that has more to do with his ear infections than actually meaning "no"... (he does a lot of cute things that have to do with those - poor thing)
  • his sleep has gotten erratic since his ear infections.  He used to be a super good sleeper, but now we just never know what we're gonna get.  I'm hoping that it'll get back to what it used to be now that we have the tubes.
  • loves to have his teeth brushed, hair brushed and ears cleaned out with q-tips (pre-ear infection - now we have to clean them differently and he's not too fond of this method).
  • has quite the paci addiction/obsession and can maneuver that sucker quite well.  He only likes the Nuk ones with the little handle on it.  Always has.  
  • loves wheels.
  • daddy is definitely his favorite.
  • however, he LOVES to grab your (anyone he loves) face with both hands and give big, wet slobbery kisses.  These are so sweet and my heart melts every time I get them.  
  • he still weighs approximately 18 pounds and is about 26 inches, wears size 3 diapers, and 6-12 month clothes, depending on the brand.  He's my little runt.  
**This post includes updates as I think of them.  

Holiday Roundup

Wow.  I'm so behind.  So this is probably going to a super long post - I apologize in advance.

For Thanksgiving we were blessed to be able to spend the day in Galveston with Trey's family as his grandparents have a timeshare there.  My family was in Fairfield at my sister's in-laws so there was no splitting time up this year.  It was bitter-sweet.  Nonetheless we enjoyed our time in Galveston.  Leslie, my MIL, works at a place that allows her to get tickets to all kinds of local events - including the Festival of Lights at Moody Gardens.  So while we were down there, we made an outing of that.  The kids liked it, but as an adult, I would have rather relaxed on the couch after the fulfilling turkey dinner.  Speaking of that - Cash experienced his first table foods and has insisted on eating them at every chance ever since.  Let me just say, the kid LOVES to eat.  And he's no picky eater.  (thank goodness)

A few weeks later, we took Kaila and Cash to Santa's Farm.  This is something that I look forward to every year - even as an adult.  The Kingwood Park High and Kingwood High School FFA's combine to have a fundraiser and dress up their animals and the ag barn for Christmas.  They have food/hot chocolate and hay rides and there's a Santa out there.  Best of all, you can pet the animals.  Cash was afraid of the horses for a while, but he finally came around and decided to pet one.

You can still see a bit of reluctance in his eyes.  And this particular horse sneezed on Kaila-which turned out to be quite hysterical.  
Christmas was VERY hectic, as always, but it's also great to be spending it with loved ones.  Danielle was able to come down from Tulsa (yay!) and Matt was even able to come down from the rigsite he was working at to be with us for a couple days.  Cash did great for his Christmas and of course got WAY too many toys.  They have all already been played with sufficiently though, as we had some close friends and family over for New Years Eve.

Christmas Eve was at Amy's - and she treated us to her homemade creme brulee'.  We let Cash have a couple bites of it and he about came across the table trying to get after more of it.  He is DEFINITELY his mommy and daddy's little boy.  :)

Trey was playing with Cash with this cup and it just had him cracking up.  It was the cutest thing and I just love the pictures I got of him laughing his little head off.  He has the cutest laugh and sweetest "real" smile.  

a montage of a few of Cash's favorite's ...

Ever since just before Thanksgiving we have been having issues with Cash's ears.  He had a never-ending double ear infection.  We took him to the ENT because we were tired of pumping him full of antibiotics (which eventually caused thrush - ugh) and he ultimately (after trying some drops to clear up a build up of ear wax didn't work) determined that Cash needed tubes.  So, the day after Christmas, in we went for surgery.  He's still having some drainage, which we are told is normal, but otherwise seems to be doing much better.  The doctor did advise us to change from milk-based to soy-based formula as he thinks that could be the cause of the fluid build up (an allergy to the milk, based on the cloudiness of the fluid) and mentioned that he feels Cash may need several sets of tubes.  oh joy.
Cash did great for surgery, considering he was STARVING and cranky because of this.  He even tried to eat the face off the bear they gave him.  He wasn't allowed to eat/drink anything after midnight and we were to be at the surgery center at 7:45am.  You know that means they don't even begin prepping until at least 9.  Poor thing.  They gave him some kinda happy drug when they first brought us back and that made him forget that he was hungry and made him loopy.  That made him act so cute.  I think we were done and leaving there by 10:30?  It was pretty quick, all things considered.

I'm gonna eat your face off!!!!!!!!

loopy and acting cute!  :)