Friday, September 27, 2013

18 Months - Where Has the Time Gone?

The summer has passed.  Cash is now 18 months *gasp*.  I mean, seriously - it feels like yesterday that I had just given birth to him.  Trey took him to his 18 month appointment this past week, where he was 32" tall and 23.5 pounds.  He's finally gaining in the percentiles, probably a result of his late night binges.  He's in the 24th percentile for weight and 48th for height.  This is a big deal.  He was in the 5-10th percentile for both up until 16 months!  He's still talking up a storm, mostly unrecognizable gibberish, however, he LOVES to sing row, row, row your boat, and "row, row, row" is understandable, as is "merrily, merrily, merrily".  Other words that we recognize are:

  • done
  • NO! (no, no!)
  • dad, daddy
  • mom, momma, mommy
  • me
  • pup pup
  • i love you
  • kitty
  • hi
  • bye
He says other random things, but these are the common, most recognized.

He still only has top 4 and bottom 4 front teeth as well as 3 molars.  No sign of any other teeth at this time.  Baths are hit or miss, and depend on his mood.  He loves to eat, pretty much anything, but chicken nuggets are his favorite.  As well as bananas.  He loves his cars, of all shapes, sizes and ability.  And he loves to read.  He will tell a story like no ones business.  

Here are some photos from this summer, as it was a pretty busy one!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Hello? Is Anyone Still There?

Hi.  It's me again.  Courtney.  The slacker in the blog world.  Life has been crazy busy.  Or maybe I just choose not to spend what little free time I get back on the computer posting on the blog when I get home from work.  Yes.  We'll go with that.  Honestly, it's true.  I'm on the computer alllll day at work (it's a chore to even make myself get up to go to the bathroom, so literally, I'm staring at the computer ALL day unless in a meeting), so the last thing I want to do when I'm at home is get back on the computer.  Now, the phone is a different story.  HA.  But I just can't do a blog post on that.  So, as I am letting my nails dry and watch this ridulousness they call a movie - Sharknado - I decided I'd get all my photos uploaded to the computer, refresh my sync of my iPhone and do a blog post.  It's time.  It's only been about 3.5 months afterall.

So, Cash had his 15 month checkup last week and he was 22 lbs (10-25%) and 31 inches (25-50%).  He's creepin' up in the percentiles!  He also sat there and took his shots like a champ; just watched as the nurse stuck the needle in his little legs and didn't make a peep.  That night was a totally different story.  We had a fussbucket on our hands.

Now to back up.  At about 13 months, Cash started getting a BUNCH of teeth all at once.  He had only his 2 front bottom teeth up until this point, but then all of a sudden the 6 teeth all around those (top and bottom) all came in.  Then a few weeks later, we started cutting molars.  So to date, we have 8 teeth and 3 molars.  He eats just about anything you put in front of him, most of the time.  Sometimes he's moody about when he eats what though.  Like right now, he's not really diggin' grapes and strawberries, but he will eat the heck out of mandarin oranges and bananas.  He LOVES green beans and peas.

I recently took a week off of work to take Cash up to Tulsa to visit my sister, Danielle.  My mom went with us.  We had a good time there.  The cousins had a lot of fun playing with one another.  We went to the zoo, the aquarium and then did some shopping and played at the pool a couple days.  Other than that, we just did some backyard play.  Cash really enjoyed the time with Mama, away from daycare, but was glad to go back and see his daycare friends too, I think.  There's one lady there that, when she leaves each day, he throws an absolute fit.  I think it might be because she talks to him in Spanish?
rockin' Maci's pink float

playin' at the water table at Aunt Danielle and Uncle Matt's

with Grammy and Maci at the Tulsa Zoo

with Maci on the swingset

trying to find Aubrey (who is inside the box)
We also spend about 2-3 hours at the neighborhood pool with Oma and sometimes Kaila every Saturday and Sunday.  Cash is a little fishy.  He LOVES to swim and is even jumping off the side of the pool (from his knees at this point).  

jumping to Daddy

swimming to Daddy

always after my sunglasses...
Little Gym is another activity of the summer.  Every Saturday morning.  And he LOVES it.  It's an interactive class where the little ones get to explore gym equipment and also learn a "skill of the day".  Parents are fully engaged, so it's also a bonding experience for mommy/daddy and child.  I hope to continue it throughout the school year - hopefully the schedule will continue to go along with ours.  He will move up classes, so that will play a factor as the class times will definitely change.  

For the weekend following 4th of July, Dad, Cash and I went to Fairfield to be with Danielle, Matt and his family for a big family BBQ.  That was a lot of fun and Cash really enjoyed the outdoors/ranch life. He played with the badminton raquets, enjoyed a couple ranger rides and I don't think he played inside at all.  My child would live outside if I would allow him to.  

having a blast with the badminton raquet

enjoying the sunrise over the lake with PaPaw

loving the Ranger ride with PaPaw

Later in the afternoon, once we got home, we went out to dinner to celebrate Oma's birthday - where Cash got to feed the ducks for the first time.  The meal for the ducks was popcorn, where we were advised that the popcorn should not be consumed by humans as it was not fresh.  Of course Cash had to make sure that was true and ate more than the ducks did.  :)



Currently, Danielle and the girls are in Houston for a long visit.  I took the day off work so that we could all go to the Children's Museum.  We had a good time there and actually, Trey and I got a membership, so I'm sure we'll be going back soon -  we couldn't keep Cash out of all the cars.  

the red was a fit getting him out
a fit getting out??  I think so.  

in the tot spot - this car was also a fit getting him out

I think I have sufficiently updated for the past 3 months.  Hopefully I don't let it go that long again.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

One Year check up.

Cash had his one year check up today.  He handled those shots like a champ - again.  I still think he's going to be my "feel no pain-comes to me with his arm dangling-yet tells me it just looks funny" child.
He's still tiny - 27 inches ( < 5th percentile) and 20.5 lbs (10-25th percentile).

What he's doing:

  • sleeping through the night 
  • will go to sleep on his own - let us put him in his crib at 7:30 and just go to sleep on his own
  • loves to splash about in the bathtub (sometimes just to play and other times actually to take a bath lol)
  • still only has the 2 bottom teeth with no sign of any others
  • can stand on his own, but once he realizes it, he sits down - "like whoa - not ready for that"
  • LOVES to rough house, especially with Jill
  • pushes all of his push toys EVERYWHERE around the house (can manuever them out of spots they get stuck in), cruises the furniture without them
  • vocab: i love you, mama, dada, water (wa-wa), more (moh), done, blueberry, puppy (pup-pup), paci (nene) , bottle (baba), thank you, kitty, yeah, mumum (one of his favorite snacks), dededede is his nonsense word for whatever he wants to know
  • waves "hi" and "bye" 
  • can now sign "i love you" - but only does it occasionally
  • Daddy is definitely the favorite
I can't think of anything else to add right now, but will update more as I think of them...

He wears size 3 diapers still and 12-18 month clothes.  I'm finding that he's got my monkey arms as clothes will fit him everywhere, yet be too short in the arms.  Oh joy.

One Year - how the time has flown.

So sorry I'm slacking on my posting - life has just been hectic.  Cash turned one - yes, you read that right - he turned ONE on Saturday the 23rd and we had a party for him.  It wasn't a big party - mostly family and a couple of friends.  We didn't want him to get too overwhelmed and be a grouch.  It was "scheduled" from 2-5 and at 3:00ish he decided he needed a nap.  Normally, Cash takes ~30 minute naps, so I thought this would be no big deal; we would all be able to eat while he napped and then we could get on with the pudding finger painting I had planned for the kids and then the cake.  WRONG.  He took a TWO HOUR nap.  Party didn't end til about 7.  Of course those that needed/wanted to leave - left and those that wanted to stay - stayed.  But it just was so "prince" of him.

The theme of the party was "mustache bash" and I made all the decorations myself.  I started about 6 weeks ago.  I can't be more pleased with how everything turned out, but I'm still exhausted.  I'll have to forgot about all this hard work before I consider doing this again.  HA.  After everyone left and I had it all cleaned up I told Trey - "no more birthday's".

Thank goodness my friend Sunshine was there taking photos for us because I NEVER once had a moment to get my camera out.  Here are a few from the day:

The sweet birthday boy himself.

The "entry" table.  The basket was the party favors (a mustache t-shirt I made which was a "smock" shirt for the fingerpaint pudding that the kids could also take home with them), I also had different size photos of Cash's tractor photo shoot laid out with envelopes that the adults could pick through and take with them.

These cookies came from an Etsy shop - All Things Exquisite, and they were delicious and very reasonably priced!

Silly dad/papaw!

The fingerpaint pudding fun!  (it came out a little runny - I forgot to account for  the liquid  all natural dyes when I was pouring the exact amount of milk it called for - OOPS!  lesson learned.  

It doesn't matter because he LOVED it.  Eating it.  Playing in it.  Dumping it.  Whatever.  It was worth it.  

"nevermind the cake, I see creme brulee!"

and he ate just about all of it!

Leah used the wheels from Cash's Kozy Truck to "pimp" out his mini cooper.  

He even tried to help open his presents.  Sometimes.