Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Sand & Surf of Galveston

This past weekend we all packed up and headed out to the sandy shores of Galveston.  Trey's grandparents have a timeshare with SilverLeaf Resorts and, for some reason, choose to use it in Galveston.  Every year.  Of all the lovely places and beaches across the country, we go there.  Oh well, it's convenient.  At any rate, we took Monday off work so that we could enjoy an extended weekend with family, and even though we got some rain, it still ended up being a beautiful weekend to be there.

The waves were rolling in kinda harsh so we had to be extremely careful with Cash by the water's edge.  And we couldn't really wade out with him, because 1) the waves were so rough, but also 2) the tide/undertoe was pretty bad.  We didn't want to take any chances.  Cash really enjoyed sitting on the edge of the water digging his hands into the wet sand...slipping handfuls of sand into his mouth when he could sneak it in.  It was always obvious when he got a splash of saltwater on his lips as he was licking them with a smile.
During Cash's first dip into the ocean.

Trey and Kaila built a lava castle.
whhhoooooooooaaaaa!!  (with Aunt Amy)

Saturday, Amy kept talking about "ghost crab hunting".  I thought it was something that she was just going to take Kaila and Alexia (K's friend) to do as a fun "kid thing".  When I asked what it was she explained that I was deprived as a child and that she would stay in with Cash so that I could go.  I said that I didn't want to lead this mission not knowing what it was.  Everyone laughed at me.  :(  They "duh-ed" me and said that EVERYONE was going.  That you take flashlights out on the beach after dark and "hunt" for crabs.  Once spotted, they freeze under the lights.  Then dart off really quick, hence "ghost" crabs.  It was like they were never there.  Well, Oscar (Amy's hubby) and I decided that we were going to try and catch them.  This made the girls FREAK out and shriek in excitement.  It was hilarious.  We caught at least 4, some more than once as they kept escaping.

our little crab family
Sunday, Alexia and Kaila had a blast building sand castles and playing with hermit crabs!

a very special picture of Cash's greats doing something they love the most.  

Monday, before leaving to head home, we did a little shopping on the strand and grabbed a bite to eat.  In all, we had a great and relaxing time.  :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

5 months

Cash is now 5 months old!  I still haven't taken his photo with his little tie on.  However, I've taken plenty of photos right at 5 months.  For shame, for shame.

So, some 5 month milestones are:

  • he found his feet here
  • he found his tongue (no pics or video yet) and LOVES to stick it out
  • he's rolling over quite often now
  • he's trying VERY hard to sit up on his own and he can do it in the corner of the couch or if he's sitting between your legs. 
  • peek a boo.  He can't get enough of it.  He tries to play it by himself if no one will play with him. He actually started this just after he turned 4 months.  {It all started with his satin-y monkey woobie, which his Aunt Danielle/cousin Aubrey gave him.  I'd go so far as to say it's his favorite toy.  He has a thing about soft textures and loves to just feel it because it's a soft fleecy feel on one side and satin on the other.  He puts it on his face and pulls it off.  Over and over.  Just to feel the softness of it.  Then he rubs his fingers on it gently as he's getting sleepy.}
  • he loves to read books and turn the pages
  • as far as foods, if it's a shade of orange, he likes it.  Anything else is pretty much a no-go.  Except pears.  He tolerates those.  And he's definitely allergic to apples.  His favorite is sweet potatoes.  He says "mmmm, mmm, mmmm, mm, mmmmmmm" (in all of his different voice inflections) the whole time he's eating if the meal is sweet potatoes.  It's adorable.
  • he still HATES his crib and insists on his swing.  Y'all, the motor is broken and it won't swing anymore and he STILL wants to be in that swing.  I've emailed the company about getting it replaced because it's still under warranty.  (I neglected to tell them that it's used for 12 hours a day/7 days a week -- they're built for that, right?!)
  • he still loves bath time and has been promoted to the big boy bath tub - no more kitchen sink baths because all he does is SPLASH!!!  The kitchen becomes a war zone during bath time! (and I STILL have NO pics of bath time :/  and this makes me sad)
this is as good as it's gonna get for "5 months" this month, I think.  Look at those chunky legs!!  

He's only intrigued by them when they are in the footie jammies.  The fact that his feet move the fabric independently is what makes him so mesmerized.  When we free his feet, he no longer cares about them.  It's like, "oh, those things - psssh."

Stay tuned: coming up - Cash's first beach trip!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Swimmin' with Oma

A couple weeks ago we went swimming and I got some good action photos and video of our swim.  I forgot to post them.  Cash LOVES the water.  And as soon as you put him on his belly, he starts splashing.

I'm so sad our swimming season is about to come to an end.  But it makes me smile when I think that next year when we go to the pool Cash will be walking and talking (a bit) and playing on his own!  We do have a beach trip planned for this coming weekend so hopefully I'll get some fun pictures from that :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

4 month shots/stats

Cash went to the pediatrician today for his shots and well child checkup.  He's had better days.  Poor thing.  

We got his measurements:
height - 23 1/4" (less than 5th percentile)
weight - 14 lb., 5 oz. (between 20 & 25th percentile)
head circumference - 16 3/4"
in sum, he's tiny.  

He cried his head off during shots.  He only cried for about 3 minutes (if that) and I don't think I've ever heard him cry so much.  We are SO BLESSED to have such a wonderful baby.  He calmed down pretty quick with a little lovin' from mama and daddy and off we went.  I had given him a little Tylenol before we went to the doctor to ward off any fever.  Daycare said he slept a good portion of the day, but when he wasn't sleeping, he was fussy.  Which isn't typical of him.  So they definitely affected him today.  He didn't really want anything to do with dinner tonight.  So we just gave him a bottle, skipped bath and he went to bed.  A little early.  And he was totally content with that.  Those dang shots.  I'll have my sweet angel back tomorrow though.  

look at that face... :(((

gettin' a band-aid.

alllll better...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Lots of "firsts" last weekend...

This past weekend we took Cash to the park.  Minus the visit we took the week he was born, this was his first trip.  He actually got to participate this time, and he loved it!
it was extremely hot, and we forgot sunscreen, so we had to put a blanket in the swing and he had to wear daddy's hat!

he totally loved seeing the "baby" in the mirror!
He also came home from daycare on Friday with his first bobo :(  Apparently he was sitting in his bumbo there and a little girl came over and scratched him.  Not sure if it was malicious or accidental.  If I had to guess, I'd say it was one of the little girls learning to walk and that it was accidental.  But Cash was definitely upset.  Poor guy cried about it and had a good little scratch on his cheek.
his bobo (&guard dog Zoe in the background)
He's FINALLY able to use his jumperoo and he LOVES it!  His toes BARELY touch the floor, but he still manages to have a blast.

We also went to Aunt Marie's 102nd birthday party on Sunday!  He got to meet his great, great (I think?) aunt!  She loved and kissed on him for a good 20 minutes.  

We have 4 month shots/check up tomorrow.  I'm so excited to see how he fits into the percentiles now that he's eating solids and has some chub to him.  :))
Speaking of solids, he is LOVING sweet potatoes and mango.  He tolerates pears and he HATED zucchini.  I'll have to slip that one in with something he loves once I have a good handle on likes/dislikes/allergies.  So far, no allergies.  We'll keep our fingers crossed that it stays that way.  

I am just loving his sweet little personality more and more each day.  He's such a fun-loving, laid-back sweetheart and he makes my heart sing.  I don't know how I lived without him for so long.  

Sunday, August 5, 2012

oh yeah...

Cash rolled over a couple of times yesterday on his own!!!  I propped him on his elbows just right to entice it, but it got the ball rolling.  It got him doing it every time I put him that way.  And every time it happened, he looked up at me with this HUGE, sweet smile on his little face.  PaPaw even got to see it.  He's only going from tummy to back at this point.  Considering how much he hates tummy time I can't imagine him going from back to tummy for quite a while.

He is also LOVING to stand on his little legs and dance around.  He can't quite fit in his little jumperoo yet, as he is too short.  His feet don't quite reach the ground even with it on the lowest setting.  :(  (poor guy) But soon!!!

He's making the sweetest coos and giggles a LOT more.

Additionally, he has FINALLY transitioned into size 2 diapers and 6 month footie jammies.  All his other clothes are 3 month, but he was just getting too long for the jammies.

He's starting to cut some teeth...we can see that his lower gums are getting whiter so, teeth are starting to come in!! :)

Saturday, August 4, 2012

His First Meal

Cash had his first "meal" tonight!  And, as promised, here is the story.

PaPaw had to come over to document for us because Trey was golfing...

I sat him down in his high chair and he immediately started screaming.  Totally unlike him.  I put a spoonful of sweet potatoes in his mouth and it didn't phase him.  It was like I didn't even touch his mouth with anything.  He didn't act like he even tasted anything.  So I thought perhaps I let him get a little too hungry.  oops.  Got the bottle out and fed him about 4 ounces.  Then we went back to the high chair. He fussed a bit, but as soon as I put the spoon of food in his mouth, he got happy.  He seemed to like them.  He made some silly faces, but I think it was because he wasn't sure what to do with them.  Finally, things got under way and we got a few spoonfuls down (and most got spit back out the way most babies do).

But, all in all, I believe this was a success.  :)

*PaPaw did get a video of this experience, but I seem to be having an issue getting it uploaded.  :(

the first time in the highchair

liking the sweet potatoes

all done!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Making Baby Food

Trey and I decided early on in pregnancy that we (I) were going to make Cash's baby food.  We got what seemed to be a really good babyfood cookbook and couldn't wait to use it!  Well, that time has come.  Cash's pediatrician told us at his 2 month check up that we could introduce him to solids at 4 months.  So, at today's grocery store trip I bought some foods to begin that next milestone.  Tonight after I put Cash to bed I began diligently making 5 foods that we can start trying out tomorrow!  This endeavor took approximately 2 hours.  I hope I can stick with it.  

I made:

sweet potatoes

I plan to start out with the sweet potatoes.  I didn't follow the recipe exactly on quantity for this first round as I want to wait and see what he likes.  (I don't want a huge amount of apples if, for some reason, he doesn't end up liking them.  The recipe called for 6 of them but I made 2.)  So, we'll see how long my stash of food lasts.  I definitely have enough to stick with each food for 3-5 days each, unless he just hates one, then I will discontinue.  

*We were advised to skip rice cereal due to his constipation issues.  That'll just clog him up more.  :)

I can't wait to give him his taters tomorrow evening and get some photos and video.  I will post that tomorrow.  Stay tuned!