Sunday, November 14, 2010

Oh My Deer!

This weekend, 11/11 - 11/14, Trey and I went to our deer lease in South Texas. It was the only weekend that I actually did not have anything planned between the weekend bow season opened and the first weekend of December, so we jumped at the chance for me to go. Especially since Trey goes pretty much every week.

I have prided myself on being able to say that I have never killed a big game animal with a rifle (only the bobcat which was my first kill ever that made me switch to bow hunting). Unfortunately, I can no longer say this. :( Here's the story:

Trey has had a particular 8 point buck picked out (and approved by the lease manager) for me to hunt and kill. He had him patterned and this guy was coming into the feeder every evening just before the feeder went off, waiting for it, and almost every morning. We sat in the stand, bow in hand - Friday morning, Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday night - ALL of which came and went. A few deer came in and out, but not any that we were allowed to kill and certainly not the one that I was allowed to kill. Sunday morning, as a last resort, we got in the rifle stand, with the rifle, and corned the road. Prepared to take a long shot if I had to, I sat. Sure enough. There he is. We got him in to about 180 yards. I pulled the trigger. Twice. I can't say I've only killed large game animals with a bow anymore, but at least I have a good story to tell. :)

I used a Remington 6mm at 180 yards. He scored 115. 8pt. 190 pounds. And he broke the wench on the jeep. :D


I'm so sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I won't back date the few events that have passed that I have a couple of pics from (ie: the Renaissance Festival and the hockey game) - I only have a couple of pictures anyway. I'll just apologize for being shoddy with my blogging lately and promise to try and be better in the near future. Especially because I'm contemplating not doing a Christmas card this year.

I'm starting my new job at PetroHawk tomorrow and things are going to be go, go, go for the next few weeks, so I'm just afraid I won't have time to get it done. (Now come the excuses..) I still need to clean my house and decorate. Maybe once I decorate it will put me in the Christmas spirit and I'll actually get around to a card - but no promises. :)